Success Stories

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Rebecca Dondertmen

“Bee has coached my husband and I for a number of years now. I entered my first half marathon 3.5 years ago after having our second son, my background was not running! Bee has mentored and guided me through numerous events now including the Buller Half, two 6 hour Spring Challenge events, Luxmore Grunt and most recently the Kaikoura 24hr Adventure Race. Never in my wildest dreams did I think 4 years ago that I could be out running/biking and rafting for 24hrs!

“It is not the mountains that we conquer but ourselves” - Sir Edmund Hillary

As a coach Bee consistently has fresh ideas, she is always learning, developing and modifying her training methods and plans. She is always available and willing to discuss what is and isn’t working and how to change things to get better, fitter or faster. Bee understands life and families and works with you to develop a training plan that fits around everything else going on. Her motivation and enthusiasm to see others succeed is contagious and every time I talk with her I can’t help but start thinking about what I can achieve next!”


Annabel Crozier

“We have now had team training programs written by Bee for three events over the last couple of years. Every time I am excited (and a little nervous) to see what she has in store for us. She keeps it fun and manages to make it all fit in around our busy family and work lives. Although we are new to all this every time we have raced, we have all commented how good we feel and how nice it is to know that the training program has worked. It is really comforting to know that even though we aren’t all training together we are still doing the same things (and can see what everyone’s doing) and come race day we are all on the same page fitness-wise. She keeps the plan simple to follow but they always seem to have enough variation so we never get bored.

Bee is always so good at giving us extra wee tips and advice on nutrition, gear and everything else that she has learned along the way that can make such a big difference come race day. With the next race on the horizon I look forward to our next training program starting. Thanks for all your hard work Bee and being so easy to approach with all our questions.”


David Anderson

“My name is David Anderson and I’m a 53 year old Merino farmer from the Omarama basin.

Having only taken up running and mountain biking later in life, I am very grateful for having come into contact with someone of Bee’s calibre early on in my budding athletes career! She has been truly invested in helping me every step of the way.

Bee coaching me has been like having an experienced friend there, to guide, encourage, and stretch me to set challenges and achieve results, I formerly wouldn’t have believed possible. Winner in age group Shotover Moonlight Mountain 30km and third in age group Routeburn Classic. Both of these events being run for the first time.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and joy of physical challenge so that I could put the blocks in place to enable me to achieve my physical challenges. The bonus of training and competing in events has been a real positivity in my mental state of mind.

You’re a legend Bee. Thank you.”


Gemma Chick

“My journey with Bee started a little over 4 years ago after my second child. I was 92kg at my heaviest (the biggest I’ve ever been), and I decided something needed to change. I flicked Bee a message and started with one of her spin classes and shredded around 20kg for my trip to Tahiti within a year. Needing a new challenge the following year me and a couple friends entered ‘Springs Challenge Cromwell’. Needing to get fit and ready in three different events I decided to get a training programme from Bee, and this helped so much.

It was so easy to follow and worked around my life. I went from doing a 1hr spin / HIIT class to a 6hr training on the hills, hiking and biking in 6months. This year I made myself a goal of completing a 1/2 marathon..... I can not tell you enough, I am not exactly a great runner! I approached Bee again and asked for another training program, with only 6 weeks until the event and I was only currently running 8-10km. Bee set me a program around my busy mum/work life and made it so achievable for me.

It was a long 6 weeks of a steady effort, with Bee checking in on me, encouraging and believing in me. Without her guidance and checking on my training I honestly don’t think I would have made it to the St Clair start line that morning, and I’m so happy to have checked this off my bucket list!”


Tracey MacDonald

“When I looked at signing up for the off-road triathlon at Motatapu, the first move I made was to contact Belinda at Bee Fit to make sure she could take me through a training programme, her answer was “yes absolutely,” so with Bee on my team I signed up!

Triathlon was a sport I had no experience in, Bee got the balance between the three disciplines spot on, she also made sure I was practicing transitions, training with the nutrition I would use on race day and making sure my gear was right. I had a targeted plan for my Heart Rate Zones and Pace, I knew with the information going back to Bee she could accurately gauge where I was at, it felt like she was with me.

Throughout the journey I felt supported, encouraged, and empowered to achieve my goal. Closer to race day Bee gave me the confidence that the hard work had been done and that I was ready. I had a fantastic race day and loved every bit of it! I highly recommend Bee, she has helped me to achieve goals that I will spend a lifetime remembering.”